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A licensed long-term care insurance agent will contact you in the next 24-48 hours with some additional questions to complete your quotes.

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Mutual of Omaha
Lincoln Financial Group
National Guardian Life
Guarantee Trust Life
How it works?

Why Us?

Your quotes are delivered by one single licensed agent, who helps you choose the best features and discounts, without over-buying coverage. Avoid mistakes when planning your long-term care policy with one-on-one guidance.

Save Money

Discounts Available

Sample Long-Term Care Insurance Savings Opportunities

Up to 30% Spousal/Partner Discount

Up to 15% Preferred Health Discount

Up to 5% Business Discount

* Discounts are not cumulative and vary by state.


Asset Protection

Help protect your savings from the costs of care NOT COVERED by traditional insurances or Government programs, like Medicare. It helps you choose where you receive care and avoid the nursing home!

Pie Chart

Overwhelming Statistics

40% receiving long-term care are working-age adults, ages of 18-64.* About 70% over age 65 will need long-term care services in their lifetime. By 2020, this number is expected to exceed 12 million.*


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